Archive for October, 2009

A Wake-Up Story

For two decades, Los Angeles-based Healthy Child, Healthy World has been leading a movement, empowering parents to protect their children from harmful chemicals.  Recognized as the leading organization in the space, they’ve written a best-selling book and have a huge army of supporters. Since 2007, Alpheus Media has been lucky enough to become their go-to partner for film and video storytelling.  The relationship has born a lot of fruit, with the creation of TV spots, short films, and documentary style pieces that Healthy Child uses to educate, inform, and inspire audiences. Recently, their goal was to create a showpiece, “cornerstone” film that could both explain the cause and tell their story in a compelling, emotional way. For this particular project, we settled in on a whimsical, storybook approach animated entirely in AfterEffects. The film premiered at a star-studded gala in Hollywood, and from all reports, the reaction was very positive. In the months since the screening, the film was released online within it’s own micro-site, and spread quickly across the social media landscape. ‘A Wake-Up Story‘ helped take their Facebook friends from 4,000 to over 28,000 and counting. 92,000 views on Vimeo and 26,000 views on Youtube (as of this writing)  have helped the organization capture attention and helped fuel the movement. We’re grateful to all the parenting blogs and social media sites for spreading ‘A Wake-Up Story’, and to Healthy Child for their trust in us. Now, go join the movement!

October 31, 2009 at 12:23 pm Leave a comment


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